
Photo book: Mommy served a mission

In my last post, I had just started making a book for our kids about my time as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  That year and a half changed my life in many ways. I learned so much from it and wanted to put it in a simple way that I could read to my kids. I have plans to make one of these books with my husband's mission, but he has yet to compile the pictures for me.

I wanted this book to read simply so my little two year old could follow along. We were given a book when I was pregnant that has become one of Harrison's favorites. You can find it here. It was the inspiration to make one of our own with our own mission photos. I came up with a list of things I learned and tried to make them rhyme somewhat. I'm no poet, but it gets the point across.

I made this book through Blurb.  It is easy to use, the books are great quality, and their prices are pretty good. Below are each of the pages of my book. Hopefully it's helpful for you to get started on your own! I know this will be a treasure we have in our home for years to come.

(pardon the gross armpit picture, it was just perfect for how I felt!)

Did you serve an LDS mission? Where did you go? How do you share your experiences with your kids?