
Mommy and me pictures, self timer

Lately I feel like time with my little guy is passing so fast. All the sudden he started learning a bajillion words, got a haircut, and wanted to start potty training. He'll be two in March and I just want him to be a baby forever! Surely I'm not the only mom this has happened to.

I imagine like many other mom's, I'm the family photographer.  If there are going to be pictures of any event, it relies on me (mostly, I should give my husband some credit :) to get some pictures.  This also means almost all are pictures are of our little boy or my husband. It might look like I didn't exist in a few years if I don't actively make sure I'm in pictures. I feel silly taking selfies unless someone else is in the picture with me. So I had to do something!

I really wanted some pictures of us just doing our normal every day routines.  To capture this, I set up my Nikon D3200 on the tripod since it's just me and little Harrison all day. If you don't have a tripod, find a chair or something to prop it up with. Then I selected the self timer on the camera and ran into place. I probably should have done manual focus on some of these since when I pushed the shutter button it focused with me out of it, but it's not super noticeable.  Then I edited them. I don't know why but I really love black and white.  I plan on taking more, but these were some I definitely wanted to have when he's a smelly old teenager.  I didn't really clean up cause I wanted these to show our life just how it was, so I can look back later and say...oh ya I remember that pillow I made that was awful. :)

1. Potty Training

 2. Reading books (his favorite)

 3. Playing with me on the keyboard

4. Playing in the laundry room sink.

5. jumping on mommy and daddy's bed

 6.  kisses

7. Brushing teeth

You don't have to be a photographer to do this, I'm not. Just think of routines or things you love and get pictures. So much of our photos now a days are selfies or we're all smiling. But those candid moments are really special. 

What special or normal moments do you wish you had pictures of?